Sunday, June 11, 2006

Firefly links

These links were recently sent to me, so I'm passing them along in case there's some interest. (I need to get around to watching the one-two episodes I haven't yet seen.) I can't vouch for any of these because I haven't looked at them yet, so let me know if they're any good. :)

Mosquito: A Firefly Parody

Into the Black: A Fan Made Series of Episodes in the Firefly Universe
(currently in production, but will air for free online)

Firefly - The Virtual Episodes: (Here are comments from the person who sent the e-mail: "Season 2 onward written with a highly skilled writing and production team. There's even plans for turning these into podcast radio plays with voice talents.")

1 comment:

Lemming said...

You seen the South Park style charicatures yet? They're ftw.