Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The original Lloyd gong has been found!

I received some very awesome news on Friday.

While working on their stack, a couple seniors found the original Lloyd gong in an obscure corner of the Lloyd roof. Along with it was the faded remnants of Blacker's prank note. I was very pleased to hear this news! (Of course, somebody knew where it was for all these years, so it would have been nice if he/she had passed the information along after it wasn't found for a little while.)

On this note, the Lloyd gong was originally purchased by Slayer during his presidency exactly for the purpose of its being RFable, as it was supposed to increase interaction with other Houses. The gong being declared unRFable is a damned shame.

In Legends IV (which won't be appearing for a while), we'll have stories about the various House symbols. (We collected some of the info a while back but in the interest of having all of these in the same volume, we decided to put them in volume IV. It's a good thing, too, because now we have important things to add to the gong and cannon stories.

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