Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Real-life giant worms

Here is a story about some giant worms from real life.

I think the best way (by far) to sum up the article is with the following excerpt:

“This worm is the stuff that legends and fairy tales are made of,” worm supporter Steve Paulson declared. “What kid wouldn't want to play with a 3 foot-long, lily smelling, soft pink worm that spits?”

First, I am raising my hand as a kid who definitely would not want to be playing with such a creature.

Second, maybe we should all write a fairy tale together.

"Once upon a time, there was a worm. It smelled like a lily and so its friends called it "Flower" because Disney hadn't yet come along to steal the name. The end."

Oh wait, I need a moral to the fairy tale... OK, here goes: "Don't try to worm your way out of bad puns."

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