Monday, November 27, 2006

Tales from the ArXiv: Balls in a vibrated box

The following abstract just got posted:

Paper: cond-mat/0611613
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 14:10:34 GMT (333kb)

Title: Coherent behavior of balls in a vibrated box
Authors: Yves Garrabos (ICMCB), Pierre Evesque (LMSSM), Fabien Palencia
(ICMCB), Carole Lecoutre-Chabot (ICMCB), Daniel Beysens (SBT, PMMH)
Proxy: ccsd hal-00115836
Subj-class: Statistical Mechanics
We report observations on very low density limit of one and two balls, vibrated in a box, showing a coherent behavior along a direction parallel to the vibration. This ball behavior causes a significant reduction of the phase space dimension of this billiard-like system. We believe this is because the lowest dissipation process along a non-ergodic orbit eliminates ball rotation and freezes transverse velocity fluctuations. From a two-ball experiment performed under low-gravity conditions, we introduce a "laser-like" ball system as a prototype of a new dynamical model for very low density granular matter at nonequilibrium steady state.
\\ ( , 333kb)

This requires no further comment. The title of the article (and some of the abstract text) speaks for itself.

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